If you understand that theater is the very world that gives you a creative impulse in everyday life and professional activity, if you have firmly decided to move in this direction and further, then the next stage of acting development for you, of course, is participation in the production of the performance.

These theater courses can give practical results only with high activity and bright initiative of students. The program is flexible, it is adjusted in the process of working on the production. In addition to warm-up acting trainings, depending on the tasks that arise, teachers of vocal, stage movement, dance, and theater history are invited to conduct a master class or prepare a particular scene in the performance.

In the structure of this stage:
· Interaction with a partner on stage.
· Work in an acting ensemble.
· The basics of working on a play.
· Mastering the process of staging a performance.

Theoretical part.

  1. Production plan:
    A) dramatic analysis;
    B) stage interpretation;
    C) the composition of the performance.
  2. Working with an artist and composer.
  3. Work on the character.

Practical work.

  1. The choice of material (play, prose, poetry, documentary materials) for the implementation of the course performance.
  2. Detailed analysis of the selected material in the classroom.
  3. Drawing up a general director’s staging plan for the performance.
  4. Distribution of roles.
  5. Work on the collection of additional material on the theme of the performance being created: reports, visits to exhibitions, watching films, etc.

Rehearsal work.

  1. Independent work of students on the development of the concept of the performance.
  2. Demonstration of the stage version of the idea
  3. Discussion and development of the general concept under the guidance of the director-master of the course.
  4. The embodiment of the plan.

Work on the release of the play.
Carrying out mounting, running and dress rehearsals.

Result: staging a training performance and showing on the stage of the Theater in front of the audience. If the artistic council of the theater decides that this project has artistic value and deserves to continue, then the performance is included in the repertoire.